PROTEC Pest control is joining our community in Central Alberta, our Province, and the World as we seek to protect each other during this unprecedented pandemic brought on by the Covid–19 Coronavirus.

We wish good health to each of our customers and community members. We recognize that we serve a wide variety of customers both routinely and on an individual basis with a broad range of health statuses and risks. We wish to support our customers in any of their needs or wishes to prevent the coronavirus spread or exposure.

PROTEC is observing the suggested - we are constantly monitoring the wellbeing of our staff in order to have them withdraw from service if they pose a risk or are at risk of being sick.

  • We comply with hand washing or sterilizing techniques as we enter buildings.
  • We will maintain social distancing and respiratory hygiene while we provide our service to prevent contamination of others.
  • We have implemented sanitizing techniques in our service vehicles routinely, and on our tools frequently utilized such as our phones and toolboxes.
  • We carry and wear disposable gloves.

Through the course of this pandemic Covid-19 virus, PROTEC Pest Control will continue to service needs, as mice, bedbugs and cockroaches still present health risks also. We will provide or withdraw service at your request.

We wish blessings upon you as you care for those around you and yourselves.

Kent Olsen
PROTEC Pest Control Services

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